
Comprehensive Webflow SEO checklist to ensure your Webflow site is fully optimized for search engines, helping you achieve higher rankings and increased organic traffic.


  • Use semantic HTML5 tags
  • Follow H1-H6 heading hierarchy
  • Maximum one H1 per page
  • Include keywords in H1
  • Use descriptive and meaningful copy
  • Use simple and descriptive URL slugs (e.g.,

Project Settings

  • Set Favicon and Webclip
  • Set Language code and Time zone
  • Set WWW as the default domain
  • Enable advanced publishing options


  • Turn off Webflow subdomain indexing
  • Auto-generate sitemap
  • Update robots.txt


  • Title Tag (50-60 characters)
  • Meta Description (150-160 characters)
  • Add Open Graph images
  • Descriptive alt text for images
  • Prefetch important links
  • Create a 404 page with helpful links

Speed Optimization

  • Upload fonts manually (WOFF2 or WOFF)
  • Compress images in WEBP format
  • Delete all unused styles and interactions

Structured Data

  • Implement schema to boost CTR
  • Use Organization schema for all pages
  • Use Website schema for all pages
  • Use Article schema for articles
  • Use FAQPage schema for FAQ pages

Site Launch

  • Test your site to ensure SEO scores 100 points
  • Set up Google Search Console
  • Implement Google Analytics

Other Modules

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Boost Organic Traffic

Rotten Tomatoes experienced 25% higher click-through rate for pages enhanced with structured data. Nestlé reported 82% higher click through rate for rich search results.

Average CTR boost
Pre-built schems

Grow With Schema Flow

We share our learnings about SEO, Structured data and Webflow for free so you can grow your business.

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